Gems: What's Beyond Their Beauty?

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Gems: What's Beyond Their Beauty?

Let's take a closer look on natural gemstones I've used for my very first collection, exploring their properties and the meanings they carry.

Gems have long fascinated us with their captivating colors.

Belief in the healing properties of gemstones varies widely, with some finding solace and meaning in their potential benefits, while others remain skeptical and focus solely on their aesthetic appeal.

Personally, I'm truly inclined to believe in their super-powers..


Citrine: The Sunshine Stone

"Soulmate" bracelet with citrine

 Citrine, often dubbed the "sunshine stone," bathes in a warm, golden-yellow hue, attributed to its iron impurities.

It claims November as its birth month, rendering it a cherished gemstone for those born in this period.

Historically, Citrine has been tied to wealth and abundance, believed to attract prosperity and foster creativity. It is also associated with boosting self-confidence and mental clarity.

Wearing or carrying Citrine is said to infuse one's life with the energy of the sun, cleansing negativity and bestowing inner calm.


Aquamarine: The Gem of the Sea

"Babe" earcuff with aquamarine

The name "Aquamarine" hails from the Latin words "aqua marina," meaning "water of the sea."

With its soothing blue or blue-green shades reminiscent of ocean waters, Aquamarine is the chosen birthstone for March, symbolizing tranquility.

Throughout history, this gem has been a symbol of protection for sailors and voyagers, ensuring safe journeys across the sea.

It is also believed to enhance communication, inner peace, and clarity. Aquamarine's calming influence is known to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and facilitate meditation.


Smoky Quartz: The Stone of Grounding

"Cascade" choker with smoky quartz 

 Smoky Quartz, distinct for its smoky brown to gray color, possesses an earthy and grounding appearance. Its color arises from natural radiation and aluminum impurities.

As a symbol of grounding and protection, Smoky Quartz is believed to absorb and transform negative energies, providing emotional stability and clarity.

Those who seek a sense of security and stability, both mentally and emotionally, often turn to this stone.

It finds its place in meditation practices, aiding in grounding and stress release.


White Topaz: The Gem of Clarity

"Sereine" earrings with white topaz 

Transparent and colorless, White Topaz is often mistaken for a diamond due to its remarkable brilliance.

This gem, an affordable alternative to diamonds, is celebrated for its exceptional clarity.

White Topaz is closely associated with mental clarity, focus, and spiritual growth. It is believed to heighten decision-making abilities, enhance self-confidence, and stimulate the mind.

Those who seek sharper mental acuity often turn to White Topaz, appreciating its concentration-boosting properties.


All of them are more than just stunning gemstones; they come with a wealth of interesting facts, beliefs, natural powers, and unique physical properties.

Whether you're drawn to their beauty or seek to harness their metaphysical properties, these gemstones offer a world of wonder and possibilities to explore.

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